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Model DPR-600: Toolbar Carrier Image

Model DPR-600: Toolbar Carrier

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360 Yield Center
Model DPR-600: Toolbar Carrier
Domries Enterprises, General Tillage, Implements, New

Specifications: shanks 1 1/2″ x 8″ x 36″, vertical clearance 36″, toolbars 6″ x 12″ in lengths of 10 or 15 feet, round tubular main frame is 6 5/8″ in diameter, 6″ x 20″ hydraulic cylinder with hoses. 7.50 x 20 6-ply tires on 8-bolt wheels, 2 3/4″ diameter hi-alloy spindles, 70″ wheel tread. Weights: with 10 ft toolbar 2784 lbs, with 15 ft toolbar 3038 lbs.
Options: complete center, short or long shank assemblies including clamps, replaceable points and hardware, and 10″ or 15″ toolbars.
Features: a trailing, hydraulic lift, demountable toolbar which carries a variety of tools, for use with high horsepower wheel and crawler tractors.

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